Wednesday, 12 February 2014

OUGD503 - COLLABORATIVE - YCN Student Awards : Royal Albert Hall - About the Hall


The Council of the Corporation of the Hall of Arts and Sciences is also the trustee body of the charity. 18 of the council are elected from Members of the Corporation, being individual or corporate owners of seats in the Hall who are the successors of those who subscribed capital to fund the Hall’s original construction. There are in addition 5 members of the Council who are appointed by the bodies indicated in the list below.

The President of the Corporation is elected by the Members each year. Council operates through a series of sub-committees responsible for different aspects of the Corporation's responsibilities. The President and members of the Council are unremunerated.
The Secretary to the Corporation is responsible for all administrative aspects of the Council's affairs and for company secretarial duties.


Mrs Anthony Travis

Elected Members

J Azis - Senior Vice President and Honorary Treasurer
E Dangoor - Vice President
M B M Williams - Vice President
Mr L Baroukh
Ms M Bloch
Mrs Lin Craig
J Crystal
P R Denison-Pender
D A G Elyan
Mrs Colleen Harris
M Jackson
I Henderson CBE
Mr J Max
Mrs Michael Moore
J Moynihan OBE
A Ratcliffe
M T Schnebli
R C Waterbury

Appointed Members

G F Bowden
Appointed by the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport

S Corbyn
Appointed by the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851

Dr M Dixon
Appointed by the Trustees of the Natural History Museum

Professor C Lawson
Appointed by the Council of the Royal College of Music

J Neilson
Appointed by the Governors of the Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine

Secretary to the Corporation

Julie Hope


The day-to-day management of the Hall is the responsibility of the Chief Executive who is accountable to the Council for all aspects of the Hall's operations. He is supported by four Directors.

Senior Executives

Chief Executive – Chris Cotton
Chief Operating Officer - Jasper Hope
Director of Finance and Administration – James Ainscough
Director of Customer Relations – Sarah Woods
Director of Operations - Amanda Squires

History & Archives 

The list of famous performers, sportspeople and world figures who have appeared at the Royal Albert Hall since it opened in 1871 is unrivalled.

Wagner, Verdi and Elgar conducted the first UK performance of their own works on its concert platform, Rachmaninov played his own compositions and nearly every major classical solo artist and leading orchestra has performed at the Hall.

The list of popular music artists includes Frank Sinatra, Liza Minnelli, Jimi Hendrix, The Beatles, Oscar Peterson, The Who, Led Zeppelin, Eric Clapton, Sting and Elton John and from a younger generation Adele, Jay Z, Kaiser Chiefs and the Killers.

Sportsmen and women from a wide array of disciplines, including boxing legend Mohammed Ali, tennis player John McEnroe and Sumo grand champions, have entertained the Hall's audiences.  

Among leading world figures who have spoken at the Hall are Her Majesty The Queen, Sir Winston Churchill, Nelson Mandela, His Holiness The Dalai Lama and former President of the United States of America, Bill Clinton.


The Royal Albert Hall Archive is a unique culture, arts and science heritage resource. 
The Archive exists to record, preserve and makes accessible the wide variety of ways in which the Hall has been used by the British and international public since its opening in 1871 and to record information relating to the iconic Grade I listed building  and the organisation itself. The Hall is committed to providing public benefit by collecting and making as accessible as possible its historical archives – this commitment is documented in our Archive Policy.


The Hall's Archive contains a variety of historically significant material which provides evidence of the Hall's organisation and governance, its key functions and activities, and major developments and achievements over the course of its existence.
We are currently in the process of cataloguing our collections to make them available to more people than ever before online. In the meantime, the information below gives a brief overview of our collections:

Royal Albert Hall Events Collection
Programmes (20,000+)
Posters, tickets and handbills
Event Records
Props and souvenirs
Audio-visual recordings

Royal Albert Hall Collection
Royal Charter
Silverware, artworks and furniture
Press cuttings

Charles Graham-Dixon Collection
Collection of 17th Century Dutch paintings by artists including Pieter de Hooch and Jacob Ruisdael, bequeathed in 1985 by Charles Graham-Dixon, former Vice President of the Corporation of the Hall of Arts & Sciences.

Great Exhibition Catalogues (EX)
Catalogues from the 1851 Great Exhibition and 1862 Exhibition

The Archive also has a small amount of reference material relating to the Royal Albert Hall, neighbouring institutions and associated persons and organisations.


The Royal Albert Hall has embarked upon a process of strategic development to improve access to its Archive. A priority within this plan is the creation and implementation of a new Archive database which members of the public can access online and as such, internal resources are currently focused on the delivery of this project. During this period, the Archive team will be unable to respond to public enquiries and we anticipate that this closure will be in place until early 2014.
We apologise for any disappointment and inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your patience while we conduct this essential work.
For more information about the history of the Royal Albert Hall please see the following published works;
  • Clark, Ronald W, 'The Royal Albert Hall' (Hamish Hamilton, 1958)
  • Thackrah J.R, 'The Royal Albert Hall' (Terence Dalton, 1983)
  • 'The Royal Albert Hall: A Victorian Masterpiece for the 21st Century' (Fitzhardinge Press, 2003)
  • Hazlewood, Charles, 'The Royal Albert Hall: A Social History' (BBC Audiobooks, Jan 2012)
Other useful resources include;
  • The BBC Proms Archive
  • AIM25 (Royal Albert Hall Collections)
  • V&A Theatre and Performance Archives
  • Royal Academy of Music Museum
  • Royal College of Music Centres & Collections


The Archive is always interested to hear from people who may be able to fill gaps in its collections in accordance with its Collection & Disposal Policy.  Please let us know if you have something that you believe may be of interest by sending us information. Our contact details are:

Address:  Royal Albert Hall Archive, Royal Albert Hall, Kensington Gore, London SW7 2AP
Tel: +44 (0)20 7589 2107/2304

Supporting the Archive

The Royal Albert Hall receives no revenue funding from central or local government and for that reason, financial support from trusts, companies and individual benefactors is especially valued.
Financial support is gratefully received and can help us to digitise the vast majority of our collections which chart the central role the Hall has played in the national cultural life, and which have never before been seen by the public. 
Please contact us if you are able to support the work of the Archives in protecting and promoting the Hall's unique heritage:

Address:  Royal Albert Hall Archive, Royal Albert Hall, Kensington Gore, London SW7 2AP
Tel: +44 (0)20 7589 2107/2304


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