Monday 26 November 2012

5 Texts to Aid my Essay Writing - Harvard Referencing

Cummings, N./Lewandowska, M. (2000) The Value of Things, Basel, Birkhauser Vertay

Diedrichsen, D. (2008) On (Surplus) Value in Art., Berlin, Sternberg Press

Roth, J-P et al. (2002) Money & Value: the last taboo, Zurich, Edition Oehrli

Findlay, M. (2012) The Value of Art: money, power, beauty., New York, Prestel

Roth, J-P et al. (2002) Money & Value: the last taboo, Zurich, Edition Oehrli

Watson Jr., T. J. (1975) Good Design is Good Business, Bierut, M./  Helfand, J./ Heller, S./ Poynor, R. (1999) Looking Closer 3 Classic Writings on Graphic Design, New York, Allworth Press

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