Sunday 11 November 2012

Message & Delivery: Research

On Tuesday 23rd October we were asked to research into an article we liked from that days newspaper. The article I chose was published in The Guardian, entitled The Picture of Health: Castro silences latest reports of death with attack on media ‘lies’. The reason I chose this news article was because of its intriguing and iconic qualities.

This is where my preliminary research started. I looked into Fidel Castro’s past, starting with the Cuban Revolution of 1959 moving through the years and finishing in 2012. Most of the research I did for this was entirely visual, looking at photographs and propaganda.






 I also did some other wider research looking into Cuba briefly and the support for Castro. 

Another element of the article that interested me was the information that this was not the first time this had happened, in fact there have been several rumours of his death since the Cuban Revolution. Most of these rumours, I discovered, stem from western, mainly American, wants to get rid of him. In the first critique this was highlighted as an area for further development and idea generation.

This became the focal point for my research and development. The main message being that Castro is sill alive.

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