Sunday 18 November 2012

Visual Literacy - Introduction to Typography

For this session we were asked to collect 5 fonts with different styles. We were then separated into groups of 6 and asked to separate all of our fonts out into categories. The categories we chose where; serif, sans serif, script, blackletter and graphic.

Serif               Letters with a horizontal extension completing the stroke of   the letter.

Sans Serif     Letters without the horizontal extension.

Script                        Fonts/Typefaces the resemble handwriting.

Blackletter  Fonts/Typefaces resembling decorative gothic styles.

Graphic        Letterforms that could work as an image.

After discussing this within the session it was decided that Graphic was not an adequate category as every letter in every font could be used as an image.

We were then asked o arrange our fonts into categories, reflecting which method of production would have originally been used, had the fonts been produced in the past. These categories were; stone, sable, bone, wood, lead and silicon. Although they are all technically silicon as they are all digital we were arranging them as if they had been produced using their true method.

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