Sunday 30 September 2012

Freshers Flu Research - 'Survival Kit'

Whilst doing more research into similar concepts I discovered this ‘JUST IN CASE END-OF-THE-WORLD-SURVIVAL-KIT’. This ‘survival kit’ was designed and crafted by Menosunocerouno, an ‘advertising agency, a branding boutique, an editorial house, and a digital agency designed as a “one stop shop”’.

Their ‘survival kit’ contains the crucial elements they believe you will need at the end of the world; basic water, 40 emergency black matches, chocolate abuelita, doméstica notebook, simple knife and xtabentún casa d’aristi. All their product were individually wrapped/boxed, which is something we would have ideally done if we had more time.

In a comparable way to our ‘survival kit’ theirs has a slight ironic and comic tone/feeling towards it, as well as some more serious products. In our kit we had the more humorous elements such as the ‘hair of the dog’ in addition to the more serious elements, like the water and the Lemsip.

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